Micro-credit Loans for Small Business​
We seek to assist families to make ends meet. In particular, we assist women to set up income-generating projects (IGPs). A small business can be set up for a mere $110 and the money is loaned for 3 years with a small amount of interest. Once repaid, the money is then loaned again to another candidate. This helps to supplement a family’s income where the husband is ill, has only seasonal work or he is absent.
Payment is $110 per business made once.

Child Sponsorship
We seek to help families who need help with education costs for their children; without it the children simply do not go to school. MIDS finds suitable candidates for Child Sponsorship in Education through the local parish networks. We regularly receive new profiles of children requiring assistance. We ask that you sponsor a child until the equivalent of year 12 level.
Payment is $160 per child per year.

House Renovation and Repair
We seek to renovate and restore houses in need of urgent repair. Repairs include new roofing, raising wall heights, adding flooring, putting in external doors and windows where there are none and so on. We contribute a co-payment along with local community skills and assistance. Payments received by MIDS are dispersed to the family in progress payments as stages of the works are completed.
Payment is $300 to $1,000 per house made once.

Bingo at Little sisters of the Poor, Glendalough
We visit the elderly residents at Little Sisters of the Poor Hostel and Nursing Home in Glendlough. Members of Disicples of Jesus Perth make this visit once a month and have few rounds of bingo, a cuppa and some afternoon tea together with the residents.
High stakes involved - we play for chocolate!

Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community
All for Life ~ Life for All is a ministry of this community and it is run by members in a voluntary capacity.
In various parts of the world God has raised up Covenant Communities in the work of His Holy Spirit from the Charismatic Renewal.
A Covenant Community is a group of Christians who have been led by the Lord to bind themselves to Him and also one another in the form of public commitment. Its call is to live a Christian lifestyle, in family and single life, through openness to the charismatic gifts, worship and prayer, sharing and teaching, and support for one another.
To find out more visit:

Diocese of Marthandam
MIDS Office
Our contact office in India, MIDS (Marthandam Integrated Development Society), is a social-work agency of the Catholic Diocese of Marthandam. Their work includes many different projects within the local community. We are involved in two of their projects – one being Child Sponsorship in Education and Micro-credit Loans for Small Business. Both of these projects help towards breaking the cycle of long-term poverty. We are just starting house renovation and repair projects in collaboration with MIDS. The Bishop, Vincent Mar Paulos, supports the work done by All for Life ~ Life for All.
The Eparchy (or province) of Marthandam is a Syro-Malankara Catholic diocese in Tamil Nadu. It was created by Pope John Paul II on 16 December 1996. It was the fourth diocese of the Syro-Malankara Church which is in full communion with Rome.
MIDS operational area is civil district of Kanyakumari. The civil districts of Kalikkavilai, Marthandam and Nagercoil are MIDS' regions for coordinating its activities which come under the diocese of Marthandam.